As the season turns and the weather cools, we return to school and jobs and the pace picks up. Our Artists of the Month are Edie Allen, Mary Eng, and Judy Kanigel. Take advantage of 10 percent off their work all through September.
Edie Allen’s adorable Alphabet Animal name signs are perfect for a child or a new baby and can be custom ordered. Her cards also feature her charming animals that she cuts from colored art paper.
Pottery mugs, cheese plates and small bowls by Mary Eng are appealing offerings “My passion,” she explains, “is creating pots suitable for everyday use that are inexpressive and beautiful.” Her collaged cards are an additional aspect of her work.

Inspired by Italian ceramics, Judy Kanigel makes plates, bowls, and pots, often using sgraffito, an incising technique. The former school principal also makes glass-mosaic mirrors and figurative clocks.
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