As the flowering trees bloom and the leaves emerge on trees and shrubs, May arrives with the promise of warmer days and brighter sunshine. Our Artists of the Month can help you celebrate. Remember that there is 10 percent off the work of these artists throughout the month.
Lyn Brown combines vintage jewelry with antique elements like watches and beads to make unique statement pieces. Look them over to find one that is a perfect gift for Mother’s Day.

The sock monkeys of Jan Willett are an acrobatic troop, using their flexible arms, legs, and tails to hold onto things and each other. Sewn by Jan in her local studio, these colorful sculptures and child-safe toys are easy for small hands to hold onto

The high-quality soaps and body-care products concocted by Helen McMullen are carefully formulated using natural skin-conditioning ingredients including glycerin and enriching oils.
Handmade in small batches, the long-lasting soaps include essential oils taken directly from flowers, fruits, and plants to create clean and wonderfully aromatic scents. In addition, she creates jewelry in her exuberant style.
Member News
On May 21 and 22 Susan Tornheim will be showing her felted hats and other textile work at Lexington Open Studios. Located at 2300 Massachusetts Ave., she will also be showing mixed-media pieces.
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