We are excited to invite you to check out our newest member, jewelry maker Emily Bhargava. Her one-of-a-kind mosaic pendants use everyday objects and common materials to create striking and stylish pieces. She currently serves as the community art director for The Beautiful Stuff Project, a creative reuse center based in Cambridge, where she helps to upcycle materials on a large scale and bring creative play into schools and community spaces. Along with Emily’s work, we are featuring our June Artists of the Month: Jenne Rayburn, Cara Washburn, and Kingsley Weihe.
Jenne Rayburn, also a relatively new member, makes enameled jewelry. She says, “My work combines drawing and painting with texturing and patterning in a process of fusing thin coats of specially prepared ground glass to three dimensionally formed metal in a kiln, using high, controlled heat.”
A lover of vintage style and materials, Cara Washburn makes her Maine Pixies with simple materials like wire and vintage crepe paper and accessorizes them with materials from the forest such as feathers and moss. Cara’s cards, sachets, and vintage-button earrings clearly show her charming aesthetic.
The architectural training of ceramicist Kingsley Weihe is clear in her high-fired stoneware, from her house-inspired vases to her contemporary clocks. Her platters and vases are striking and functional gifts.
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